As a collective, we’ve had the pleasure of working with a range of partners and leaders in global health, human rights, and gender justice. Here are some examples of the work we’ve done together.
RiseUp! Guide for Young Women’s Transformative Leadership, World YWCA (July 2022) — A manual for young feminist leaders to enhance knowledge, skills, and feminist values in service of positive changes in individuals and in social systems, therefore shifting power structures.
Girls’ sexuality and child, early, and forced marriages and unions: A conceptual framework, Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions and Sexuality Working Group (March 2022) — Conceptual framework to support gender-transformative advocacy and programming to prevent child marriage and advance adolescent girls’ rights and agency by addressing the link between fear and control of sexuality and CEFMU. Also includes an advocacy brief/note to donors.
Learning from CSE operational research in three countries, Plan International (May 2022) — Research report to provide learnings on the how of comprehensive sexuality education, for consideration in the implementation of CSE programmes by Plan International country offices and others.
The Power of Youth Voices: How Youth Are Holding Their Health Systems Accountable for Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Save the Children (Jan 2021) — Through this landscape analysis, we found that youth social accountability implementation is racing ahead of documentation and that there are opportunities to improve youth social accountability practice in order to increase youth leadership and improve the responsiveness of health systems to the needs and rights of youth.
The full story: Advocating for comprehensive sexuality education that includes abortion, Ipas (August 2020) — This toolkit is intended for advocates interested in supporting the integration of abortion into comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programs. It covers key considerations for undertaking advocacy for CSE, plus tools to support advocates in developing a strategy and planning activities that respond to their national context.
Adolescent & Youth Sexual & Reproductive Health Toolkit, The Challenge Initiative (June 2019) — The Challenge Initiative’s AYSRH Toolkit presents evidence-based interventions for increasing youth access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and information in urban environments.
Youth power for youth rights: An interactive toolkit for developing your national youth strategy, Amnesty International (Oct 2018) — This toolkit outlines the process of developing and implementing a National Youth Strategy. It is not meant to be a one-size-fits-all template, but rather a journey you can undertake in your Section. This toolkit can also be used to integrate a youth perspective into other existing or soon to be developed strategies.
The Torchlight Learning Series
This collection brings together insights from across our network, and we’re excited to leverage so much expertise in one place. Our hope is that these publications offer wisdom, fodder for discussion, and practical advice to benefit anyone interested in supporting or learning about youth-led advocacy!
Read the full series here.
#YoungWomenSay features blogs from incredible young women from around the world and harnesses the power of storytelling and social media to drive attention to their lived experiences, dreams, and aspirations.
Are you looking for other examples of work we’ve done across specific service areas? We can send them to you! Contact us.